The Yoomoota Universe is a projection of our bodies and minds, representing everything that exists in humanity on a global scale. Yoomoota consists of at least 23 planets, inhabited by various characters. Here you can find planets of emotions, the body, addictions, pleasures, sins, knowledge cravings and childhood. Among the main characters are Candy Lady, representing sugar addiction; Pillman, symbolizing pill addiction; Fast Money; Gameboy; Pure Love; Inflated Ass; and others.

The Yoomoota universe had always existed, but the portal to the Yoomoota universe opened to us only when Taras Yoom was born in the spring of 1991.

He became the final catalyst and key for all the vibrations emitted by humans to result into a force field, which opened the portal leading to the Yoomoota universe.

On the Earth existed a corporation “Five Fingers”, where each finger was responsible for its own area on our planet. In 2020 they dispatched a research group into portal to study the anomaly. Doctor Taras Yoom joined the expedition as a pilot of research Spaceship Potato-1.

On other other side of portal is the sun Liona that is the bridge, the gate between our worlds. The sun in Yoomoota is not the largest astronomical object, but rather a very small one with a diameter of only 10 feet, but this is not a constant size. Loina is able to change its size at some rate that has not yet been studied. The glow that surrounds it creates the impression of an incredibly huge star, comparable to the sun of our system or even bigger.

Planets are located at different distances from the eternal sun Liona, which bathes the whole universe in its heat and light. Being near the Liona gives you the feeling of standing near an incredibly strong magnetic field.

Planets and space objects by distance from the Loina

Planet of your emotions


The Emo Planet is a spherical object featuring colorful horizontal rings with an inflated shape. Each color represents different emotions, such as love, fear, laughter, dreams, and more. The number of rings varies from 8 to 15, depending on the events in the Yoomoota universe (the more emotionally charged events, the more rings).

80 million kilometers from the Sun. The Emo Planet is a spherical object 10K in diameter with bright horizontal rings of an inflated shape, reminiscent of swimming rings. The number of rings varies from 8 to15, depending on the events in the Yoomoota universe (the more events causing emotional lability, the more rings). Rings, or zones, are divided into 7 colors (red, yellow, blue, green, cyan, white, and black). Depending on the events taking place in the Yoomoota universe, new colors are added periodically. The planet has weak magnetism and the same gravity as on the Moon. These zones contain large sized images. The range of image sizes varies from 10 to 300 thousand kilometers of inscribed diameter. Images, or pictures, are placed chaotically, but the pattern type and mood depends on the color of the zone. The blue zones show objects that can cause a smile or laughter. Red zone shows the lack of fears, getting rid of phobias. Yellow images help you to concentrate in critical situations and avoid hysteria or panic.

Look at white and you become caring but lonely, like in the case of KILWAPS (knight in love with a princess syndrome) and also get a 50% increase of physical strength. Green rings make you see things and events that you would not have paid attention to before; it is a surprise zone. Cyan zone (dreaminess) gives you the understanding of your dearest dream, projects and plans to achieve it. Black ring burdens you with despair and loss of yourself. However, after 10 days on Emo (10 hours on the Earth), you acquire a powerful super ability of survival. It shows a direct psychological and physical impact of color zones on a human.


Planet of your body


The planet Orginion personifies our physical interior with all cells, organs and their interaction with each other. A peaceful world, living with the precision of sophisticated clockwork, with beautiful open spaces previously unseen and diverse plants and creatures that live in harmony with each other.

Here, at the foot of the dormant volcano Kartisola, under the arch of material clouds, the singing flowers Melodina bloom. Like thousand flutists, they perform the familiar melody in unison, and the wind, picking up these sounds, raises them to the very top, creating a cozy blanket for a sound sleep of a long dormant volcano. Small villages with residents of different races and peoples are located nearby: Myslami, Glidami, Yarami, Senza and many others.
Behind the villages stands the major city whose name speaks for itself — Midtown. This city has the most complex and intricate structure, where many of the primordial rulers of Orginion live. The supreme parliament which regulates life in other planet’s cities is based in the Tower of the Two Hemispheres. Erys, Thrombles, Leutas fly a few hundred meters above the city inhabitants’ heads among oxygen bubbles and water clouds. They are flying creatures that supply every inhabitant of the planet with the necessary elements for life.

An elongated delicate pink colored planet with two symmetrical tails on the sides rotates in the Yoomoota universe, at a distance of only 200 million kilometers from the eternal Sun.


Planet of your future


The world looks like a prosperous civilization without complex personal relationships. Couples on this planet are formed through apps (there is a targeted selection of a person with whom you connect your life at work or at home).

Their shops and supermarkets are the same as people have, but ordinary grocery stores and corner shops act as museums, and supermalls function as amusement parks, where you can no longer buy anything except a ticket to enter.The halls in such places are divided into various leisure areas and food courts.On each floor there are places where you can buy more than 100 types of coffee drinks, but some just buy branded glasses without coffee (since more than 20 cups a day, as scientists found out, leads to a changes in levels of likocytes in blood), and the glass acts as an accessory.
Pets are acquired through an online application, like absolutely everything in this world (visit EveriGram network).

People live mainly alone with parents in the neighborhood or together with them. On the planet Square Cubed they work 7 days a week. They either work from home or hold meetings at super malls and other entertainment venues.

Their lives are supported by more than 10,000 diets and countless health systems. Of course, there have been diseases in their history, and major outbreaks of pandemics. One example is the collapse of the social network, where people filmed themselves online for 5 years. The whole world supported this trend at that time, and then suddenly but predictably the server providing an online 64G charging network went down. Their personal friend and life assistant Everiphon collapsed and the world was flooded with a disease called “action against online”. People tried to live as a squad of homo primitivus without modern conveniences, with buttons on the keyboard, standing places in the subway and trying to understand the other person. Unfortunately, that lifestyle was too extreme and people died on the 10th day of the disease. As a solution a new HomeG server was announced, which was installed in every person's home and performed the function of creating a virtual NPC activity. And now, if a 64G failure occurs, the HomeG offline mode will turn on. And the pandemic began to fade away and everything went on as usual.

There was a natural museum on the planet where the history of life and development of a cubic man were presented. The museum was completely empty since the opening, due to the existence of a virtual space, so soon it was closed, since it was formed by chance as an experiment in the operation of a numerical converter (3D printer of matter). Anyway it was a breakthrough that existed as news in EveriGram for more than an hour, then he got lost in the newsfeeduum.


Planet of your illness


Neighboring planet of Orginion. It’s slimy and filled with aggressive Viruids. They are a numerous race of creatures with a smooth outer surface covered with movable suction cups that act as arms and legs. They have many small or one huge mouth with a pharynx studded with small chewing tubes.

Viruids come in a variety of sizes and colors, and many have more than one pair of arms and legs. These creatures live on their planet without governing organizations and their laws are hidden from strangers. They have the ability to chaotically reproduce by enslaving and transforming the captured inhabitants of Orginion, and also feeding on the light and heat of the planet Orginion. They fill the space with their own kind, absorbing the life energy of their neighbours.
Planet of your disturbance


Another neighbor of Orginyon. Inhabited by creatures called Bagds - monsters which can also be found on various cosmic bodies: space debris and asteroids. They gather in groups of one or more species. Like the Viruids, they are attracted by Orginion, but quite often the Bagds practice coliving without disturbing the peace of the inhabitants of the planet. Also, Bagds cannot capture and subjugate another organism.

They are gatherers and mostly marauders, who capture villages and, sometimes, entire cities. Their appearance and form is truly diverse, and they reproduce by growing a descendant on their body. It's a funny enough scene when a Bagd takes off itself another Bagd like a ripe berry. The process though isn’t fast especially when they don't have enough food to grow.
Planet of your errors


In the Yoomoota universe there is an erroneous planet on which not only all possible and impossible errors of mankind are collected, but also the very essence of error. It is inhabited by diverse life forms: from specially bred, helpless animals to the personification of unfinished tasks. Dried forests and dirty waters are inhabited by all sorts of strange living creatures. The animals of the planet are strange and can look like a snake toad, which is not able to jump and instead of grabbing flies with its long tongue, it strangles them with its snake body. But it is not difficult for this toad to hunt, since insects on the planet Mistake have gained laziness. Or, for example, dogs that are domesticated on this planet. They are very small from 20 to 40 cm and so shy that their trembling reaches 1000 vibrations per minute. Because of this, residents use them as massagers or mini heaters. There are a lot of such awkward animals on the planet, but for everyone living there, this is the norm. Intelligent inhabitants of the planet also have a different appearance and different places of residence. Only they never live in their homes and have no aims and special skills. The paradox of life on the planet of Mistakes is that you cannot live in your own house, even if you have been building it all your life. Comfort is something that happens by chance. Imagine that you like to design cars, but on the planet of Mistakes, starting to follow your dream, you find yourself in a paradox of fast events that take you into a completely different life direction. Even if someone comes to a cliff to make another mistake in their life and jump off, they will immediately lose the ability to make decisions and will remain standing near the cliff until taken away from it. A mistake in confusion.


Planet of your pleasures


Planet of Paradise is a place for imaginary pleasures, a tropical spot inhabited by all sorts of magic. But with one nuance: magic does not exist on this planet. It has an atmosphere that brings almost any living being into an unconscious condition, in which everyone is free to create absolutely everything.


Planet of your suffering


Ada revolves around the Loina on the opposite side of Raya. The rays of the sun do not pass through its hard, cold cover. Touching the surface of Ada, all those who have just arrived on it are covered by a feeling of frost on the skin and a burning sensation inside. Behind this shell, the life of the planet begins, divided into levels as it approaches its center.

No one knows the exact number of floors on this planet and how long the descent may take, but according to legend, at the very bottom you find yourself in a wonderful place where you are free to choose who to be reborn or get one of Yomuta's Universal Helmets. Those Helmets can contain an unlimited number of creatures in the mind.

Unfortunately, this particular helmet, from the planet Ada, collects not images of life, but life itself, leaving their dead body on the ground. In the course of immersion in Ada, you can encounter old grievances, worries and fears on the way, belonging both to the descender himself and to everyone who has ever passed there. At the same time, these terrible creatures do not wish harm to the traveler, but simply inhabit this planet.
Planet of your relief


The planet offers a multitude of tests for body and soul. Also the local concept of pain is different. Pain’s inhabitants cannot die or get injured. At least records on such events are empty. They don’t feel any physical or spiritual pain. That doesn’t mean they are impassive, because they can sympathize. And that’s their duty and they are perfect in it.

The planet's residents are very skilled in designing clothes and other stuff. That’s why many Curiosities visit the planet to purchase various objects there. Also the planet hosts the Illness and Challenges Fair. There you can find amazingly crafted (but not very comfortable) jewellery, weapons made of razors and needles (impossible to touch, Pain has the sharpest razors in the universe) and much more. The Fair has a lot of visitors, because discovering a way to use these items gives Curiosities a great boost in their adventures. The surface of the planet is covered with thorny plants and animals. The ruins on the planet are also built by the locals. Earlier they functioned as shelters for Pain visitors who didn’t know that locals feed on their suffering. Locals live in pointed towers of a different height, depending on the owner’s status.

One of the planet legends speaks of travelers who don’t feel the pain and aren’t afraid of it. They may become apprentices of the Pain’s best craftsmen and learn how to make the deadliest weapon.
The planet also has many amusement parks. Like a poisoned cherry on top. You can find the Pinky Labyrinth, where you find the exit by kicking its corners. Another activity there is the Numb Merry-Go-Round, giving you the feeling of numb arms or legs, caused by its rotation.
Station of your curiosities


The station is where our curiosities are born and become our avatars in the Yoomoota universe. Curiosity fuels our desire to learn, guiding our choices and leading us to discover incredible wonders. The Curiosity Station of Knowledge is the largest space structure in Yoomoota and is divided into several factions inhabited by Curiosities.

Studying the Yoomoota contour maps might seem like we are trying to cultivate boredom here, so the best place to navigate the universe would be the Curiosity Station of Knowledge.

From the two-year-old incessantly inquiring, “Why?” to astronauts flying into space, Man strives to learn all that surrounds him. When something piques our curiosity, we can achieve marvellous things. Curiosity, at its roots, is the desire to learn. It guides our decisions and leads us to wonders untold.

Curiosities are known to have appeared in the Yoomoota universe about 2.8 million years ago. Today, there are ten thousand of them. Their mission is to study the Yoomoota universe: planets, inhabitants, activities, and artifacts. This is the everlasting purpose of their existence.


Planet of your knowledge


This is a planet of contemplation and ambivalence, where truth is constant in variability. It is inhabited by thoughts and awareness. All living organisms that settle the planet of Wisdom have very good adaptability and survival skills. They can draw a conclusion about all the dangers and rewards that await them ahead only by observing the environment.

They acquire their skills from birth, being born from special altars located in cities. Altars look like cloudy transparent obelisks of a cylindrical shape, at first glance resembling a carved crystal. There are the figures of the ancient inhabitants of the planet arranged in a circle, directing their hands to the center of the obelisk at the top of these altars. At birth (usually this happens unexpectedly), the closest inhabitant of the planet turns into a beam of light and passes through the top of the obelisk into the consciousness of a baby, leaving in it the knowledge from the ancestors. Due to this process, the number of indigenous people remains unchanged. Also, the planet of Wisdom has some problems with flora and fauna. Plants and animals are very selective in terms of habitat so the planet has very sharp borders of ecological zones. There are places where there is no life, since it just simply left from there: the plants went away due to the movements of their roots, and the animals simply ran away from the unfavorable zone. Such transitions occur once a year and are accompanied by a holiday.

1 year on the planet of Wisdom equals 2 years on the Station of Curiosity.


Planet of your silence


A planet that cannot be visited without special equipment, because it emits deafening sound waves even at a distance of 100 thousand kilometres. Definitely it repels everyone who wants to visit it. So visitors must go through a transition satellite, located near the planet of Sound. On the satellite you discover a huge line of people passing through customs to get special bracelets issued for descending to the planet. They absorb the vibrations that could push you away from the planet.
The surface of the planet of Sound consists of a very sonorous material, knocking on which one can assume that the planet is hollow. In fact, it is. Under the 2 cm heavy-duty shell of the planet you can see countless strings stretched in a chaotic manner. They cannot be touched, because any touching creates such powerful sound vibrations that push the spirit out of the body.

The Planet of Sound is inhabited by many peoples, predominantly working with the musical instruments of the Yoomoota universe. Many explore this planet for the purpose of harnessing sonic energy, for weapons or for healing. All the inhabitants of the planet are not indigenous, which raises the question - if there is life or a true sound harmony inside it. There are also many vibration sources on the planet that tourists with their families visit to relax and unwind in sound waves. Such sources are called vibration spas and this type of business is one of the most developed on the planet of Sound. Residential buildings located on the planet of sound are similar to hollow metal figures: rings, slingshots, triangles. Looking minimalistic and primitive, inside they are technically amazing and aesthetically striking. Absorbing sound vibrations of the surface of the planet, these houses transform them into their own unique sound, characteristic of the occupant of this house.
Planet of your consumption


This is a planet that attracts all the most popular creatures in the universe: the brightest musicians, actors, and anyone who can put on a show. Also on this planet, all cities are a collection of interplanetary brands, clothing, equipment, food, elixirs, weapons, flying equipment, and everything that is produced on other planets. The planet of Brands represents everything from small to large organizations producing popular products: for example, a whole shopping complex from the Emo Planet, which presents laughing gases, fearless clothes, despair magazines, panic toys and much more. Not far from it there is a market from the planet Orginion, where you can meet amazing animals and plants capable of living in aggressive conditions and producing energy fruits.

All the shops and even concert cities are built to support the local residents’ life, since without consumption they will die out in a matter of minutes.


#14 LUCK
Planet of your chance


CeLuMo is that planet in Yoomoota universe that can only be found by chance. This planet can change its appearance and position. It can also disappear altogether and suddenly appear, but any appearance of this planet is like the birth of a new star with fireworks and fanfare. Planet of Luck always appears on time, but not for everyone. While approaching it, it looks completely empty with a milky matte color on its surface. But as soon as you step on it, a choice card (the wheel of fortune) immediately appears below you.

This is your personal guide to the planet of Luck. Following which, the traveler follows the good moments and finds what he wants along the way. Some are immediately sent back to the ship by the guide system under their feet, and they fly away — because sometimes the best thing is to turn around and leave CeLuMo. Sometimes you can meet your future partner there for the rest of your life or find a random slot machine, playing which you can become one of the Altered creatures of the Yoomoota (the description of the Altered can be found in the description of the Curiosities types). And of course you can find various treasures and items that bring good luck, or you can even find the elixir of immortality.

For some who fell on this planet, and were destined to die on their journey, the wheel of fortune may form under their feet and turn their life 180 degrees. The most unexpected Yoomoota planet (some may visit it hundreds of time, while others will never have a chance to walk its paths).
#15 SINS
Planet of yours sins


This is an artificial planet constructed by some runaway sins from the Inferno planet. You could be familiar with them: Pride, Greed, Hatred, Lies, Lust, Gluttony and Sloth. Each of them founded a personal kingdom, sometimes they unite to attack neighboring planets. They want to possess their own planet and prefer to conquer instead of building. The surface of the planet of Sins has distinctive bright borders and a different environment.


Planet of your universal laws


The planet of Physics accumulated all universal laws of the human Solar system. The planet itself is a perfectly spherical celestial body with an evenly distributed ionized bluish atmosphere. Physics’ surface is coated with rubbered metal plates with wires and other telecoms under. Water there forms kinetic rivers and lakes with various density and magnetic anti-energy beaches.

Anti-energy is a force opposite to energy. Given that the universe expands, it expands in a space that devours it. We may say that a glass we pour water in is empty, but it is air that is pushed away, attracting water to take its place. The same with our universe — it expands into space filled with anti-energy, that attracts energy. Anti-energy is one among several energy sources on the Physics planet.
It’s inhabited mostly by thermodynamics researchers. Even the most basic houses and apartments resemble labs with families setting up different experiments. Anyway we cannot call this planet the most developed in Yoomoota universe, as young population doesn’t have any beliefs (the only things they believe in are proofs). Thus if they encounter processes without any physical proof, they ignore them. That’s why they are called Grey. Their way of thinking denies the existence of anything more complex than they are. The inflated ego is the worst feature of locals. Nevertheless the planet is visited by many creatures using the Grey’s knowledge and perfect labs.

The older citizens of Physics learn how to see the play of chance and are able to find some meaning. Too bad that it happens just in the last part of their life, but it’s enough for the planet to flourish. Their houses are amazing. Some of them float in the air, some roll from one part of the city to another, some change their size from small cubes to back to inhabitable space.

The planet may look unbelievable but everything has a scientific explanation there.


Planet of your emptiness


This is not exactly a planet, but rather a dense foggy space 188 thousand kilometers in diameter. It is impossible to land on the Void; you can only fly into it. Having made their way through kilometers of fog, and after several thousand kilometers of endless white spaces, travelers discover zones of cities inhabited by all kinds of life. Cities burst with an abundance of everything imaginable, from plant and insect species to diverse architecture, technology, and peoples who live with each other. Life in separate floating cities brought together races and species from all over the Yoomoota. In most cases, the inhabitants of the planet don’t deliberately stay on it; they just cannot get out of the endless fog. If you have already flown into the Void, then you become a part of it. That idea can frequently be noticed on city billboards. Cities do not have one mayor, they are regulated by a group called Entrance — a community consisting of eight creatures with super powers. Some of them created flying cities; someone came up with a system of providing all the resources for life. Some members of Entrance can create countless troops to regulate the laws in cities, and someone is the whole city itself. In this organization, everyone is equal, but the majority listens to the word of the one, who has the ability to create portals - exits from the nameless planet of the Void.


Planet of secrets and answers


All that is known about this planet is that a secret society of birds lives there. They exchanged their innate gift to fly for the mind, subsequently acquiring religion and knowledge. Well, in this case wings are not needed to soar under the clouds.

The inhabitants of the planet are called Birds. They are covered in some sort of clothes called "mysterious plumage". The sky is full of humanoid creatures, keys and murky clouds.In the planet of Secrets, you can find answers to the most unexpected questions. The planet looks like an assembled cosmic body from combinatorial biomaterials (who created this planet?). There are a lot of boxes and chests on it, as well as old sideboards and cabinets that are scattered all over the planet. The inhabitants have houses without windows and doors.These are often cubic-shaped structures with a finish resembling concrete, but on closer inspection, black glossy blotches are visible across the entire surface of the building. How to get into the house is known only by the house owners. The areas around the houses are usually open and have no boundaries. This is done so that no one knows where private property ends.

Forests and lakes often have warning signs stating that it is better not to go there (but why?). The inhabitants themselves communicate without finishing the phrase or deliberately pronouncing the words very quietly. At the same time, life on this planet is flourishing, because all the indigenous people keep secrets from each other, because they already know a lot and do not want to load themselves with more unnecessary information. This is an amazing planet, which for wanderers can be a place where they are taught to learn the secret and keep their mouths shut.


Planet of your childhood


This is a galactic reserve of endangered species of children's toys that have changed their original appearance and come to life. They roam the desert planet as a symbol of lost childhood in the minds of adults. They believe that morality is created by parents so toys have very clear concepts of good and evil. All beings from this planet exist at the same time in two time points (before and now) and they acquire a dual form, taking human nature as a vital part. U2BeBetter looks like one huge amusement park, combined with libraries, cinemas, straw huts and other leisure facilities of the 20th century. There are many wastelands and ravines on the planet, reminding of places where nothing has been built yet and you can have fun with friends. The inhabitants of the planet are indifferent to visitors, but if you manage to recognize them at a meeting, they get addicted to your memories and start following you everywhere. The Planet U2BeBetter is a place where you can meet the past and the present at the same time!


Planet of your variability


Planet, which symbolizes the variability of human life. It looks like a small, about 10,000 kilometers in diameter, ideal sphere with a constantly changing trajectory and landscape. This planet is difficult to get to, as it always moves erratically, but it can be tracked (it always leaves a trail that disappears after 3 earth days).

Getting there, a traveler meets a multitude of roads and paths, like a fractal labyrinth without dead ends. The planet consists only of branching paths, roads, bridges on which you can meet bizarre vehicles and inhabitants of the planet. Even trees have a bark in the form of a labyrinth, through which, by swiping your finger, you can find a button that opens the door to the next episode of a journey. As you travel along the path, you encounter a series of events specific to the particular road you are following.

The planet is inhabited by several races of guides. Many Curiosities want to go to this planet to acquire their history and understand their path through life, but also to find maps which lead to powerful artifacts scattered throughout the universe.
#21 I
Planet of yourself


A planet where all the flora and fauna represent you. This is a world where the inhabitants of the planet can repeat your movements, voice, or even look like you. But at the same time, every living being, although it has some trait peculiar to you, still has its own uniqueness. They are able to do this due to their body structure. Their skin is covered with special enzymes that refract the space around them, as if enveloping the entire body with an invisible sheet. This shell copies the features of the wanderer who arrived on the planet.

Planet I is very difficult for simple tourism, because anyone who arrives on it will have to meet millions of creatures and determine their nature in order to survive. Sometimes under the mask of the usual sheer friendliness, you can discover a beast who would be happy to gnaw your bones asap.
Planet of your origin


The most recently discovered planet of Yoomoota universe. All living and nonliving beings keep on guessing what was in the very beginning. What was the first?

This is the eternal question and the answer can also show what will happen in the end. But all this is a hypothesis, which the life of this planet actually is. Every suggestion of what was first in the origin of life is embodied on this planet. There are even opposing organizations (Chicken Corporation and Egg Corporation). There is also God, in all his representations: as the One and as an endless number of gods living in one city. Many Curiosities want to go to the Beginnings, as it is one of the planets of entertainment, where you can have a great time and find some kind of artifact. Time does not exist in Beginning.There are wells called Primary Tubes, by jumping into which you can be reborn and start everything from the very beginning. Some manage to be reborn into another being.


Space station that explores the Universe


Potato-1 is a spaceship sent by Earth from the scientific organization Five Fingers. Each "Finger" of the organization is responsible for a certain area of focus. The Little Finger studies the science about people, the Ring Finger studies the science of the Earth, the Middle Finger learns about seas and oceans, the Forefinger researches mystical events and, finally, the Thumb studies space exploration. The separation of the Thumb sent the Potato-1 spaceship into space to explore the Yoomoota universe.
During the shifting from one universe to another through a black hole, global changes happened in the entire structure of the ship and with all its employees. At present Potato-1 sends research data to Earth in capsules with information and various objects. It also shuttles in the Yoomoota universe and explores planets suitable for humans. The ship is divided into different research centers: for example, botanical, military, chemical, physical laboratory compartments, etc. It may safely be said that a human in the Yoomoota universe is perceived as a kind of deity.


Planet of your addictions


Wantland is a planet you addictions and weaknesses such as sweets, games, pills and etc. Wantland is divided into zones and each of them is controlled by one of the kings — Pillman, Candy Lady, Gameboy and Commune. Each of his vassals and he himself are the embodiment of human addictions to something

Wantland is a planet created by Pillman and his henchmen, who were made by him on the Potato-1 Station. Each of his vassals and he himself are the embodiment of human addictions to something. The process of creating an addiction is the formation of certain conditions under which all its elements are assembled together. For example, an artificially created situation in which a person is in a strong want of something. Wantland is divided into 4 zones and each of them is controlled by one of the kings. Each ruler chose one of the four parts of the planet as their own kingdom of sins. They are not at odds with each other, they are friendly. This is a place with a huge number of challenges, but someone who passes them, receives a worthy reward.
